

“Everything you can imagine is real.”

Pablo Picasso

At Tree + Forest we began with a search to make a tile that embodied a hand-made quality through a process that we would control. That process was silk-screening onto pre-cut plywood panels that are sealed on all faces. The development has been a 3 year experience where every design created, every colour mixed and every squeegee pulled has been done ‘in house’ at our studio.

By way of application they are suited to any internal areas domestic or commercial that are not subject to water or heat. The intent is that they be used as a dramatic feature element or backdrop. In domestic situations this would be any wall – entry ways, stair wells, bedrooms, walk in robes, living rooms or dining areas.

Commercially our tiles are suited to any venture that wishes to create a rich and singular ambiance – from dark bars or restaurants to bright cafes and spacious foyers.

A bespoke design service for specific layouts and colours is available in any range.